Pixys Showdown (Pixys Tailwind X Hills Red Bird) was born on June 20, 1979, more than 32 years ago, at Tom and Carol Klamrowski's Horseshoe Springs Ranch in Fond du Lac, Wisconsin. Jill Strong purchased the filly as a two year old at Jack Bound's Training Center. Jack, with the help of Sutten Krusick, had trained and showed Pixy all around the country. In later years Jill showed her.
As a brood mare Pixy had three colts, one named "Zippos By Choice" was sired by the famous "Zippos Pine Bar" from down in Texas. After "Zippos By Choice" also known as Boo Boo had sired many great horses here in Wisconsin, he was sold to a Quarter Horse farm in Australia and became their foundation stud.
In June of 2009 a 30
th Birthday Party was held for Pixy and many of her old friends were invited including: Tom and Carol, Jack and Jane and Sutten. A wonderful time was had by all remembering the fun times they had as a group at many of the Quarter Horse Shows.
In June of 2011, the beloved Pixy was diagnosed with cancer. She had been with Jill for half of Jill's life and greeted Jill every time she went down to the barn with a cute whinny. Even though Pixy had dropped some weight by then, she was still going about her normal daily routine, maintained a good appetite and was getting along well.
On Monday July 25, 2011 Jill attended Jack Bound's funeral. It was a sad day but Jill saw people that she hadn't seen in 25 years and was overwhelmed with the beautiful slide show. The slide show included photos of Jack and Pixy at several shows including the World Championship Show. That night Jill talked to Pixy about old friends and the good times that all had together but the next morning Jill found Pixy in her stall unable to get up. Before the vet arrived Jill's sister told Pixy that she would be riding with Jack again soon. Pixy lifted her head, nodded and then died.
In her heart Jill knows that Pixy had a great life. Even though Jill misses her sweet horse dearly she knows that Pixy and Jack are happy being together again!